By now you are probably aware of EMV® 3-D Secure – the set of protocols that enables issuers to validate that cardholders are who they say they are.
EMV 3-D Secure:
– focuses on a better consumer experience
– uses enriched data to authenticate most transactions behind the scenes
– enables authentication on any device (like smartphones, tablets, and IoT devices)
There are many regional government and network mandates that will take effect in 2020 and early 2021, but for countries in Central Europe, the Middle East and Africa (CEMEA), Visa activated EMV 3DS on April 18, 2020.
AP CEMEA Activation date <image>
What does this mean to you if you are operating in one or more of the countries in these regions?
Currently, transactions using EMV 3DS should be using the new authentication rail – so it’s important for merchants and issuers to implement EMV 3DS now to take advantage of the latest advances in security, and help keep your transactions from being at risk
If issuers are not using EMV 3DS now, they may be liable for fraudulent transactions submitted by merchants who are using EMV 3DS
The moral of this story? If you aren’t currently using EMV 3-D Secure, you should begin the process as soon as possible as it can affect your transactions and business. We can help, especially during these times when you have other things to worry about. Let’s talk.
EMV® is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries and an unregistered trademark elsewhere. The EMV trademark is owned by EMVCo, LLC.