New Case Study: A U.S. Issuer’s Experience with Visa’s IDX Solution

New Case Study: Visa’s IDX Solution

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PSD2 SCA Dates and Solutions

Find out why now’s the time to tackle PSD2 SCA head on to meet the upcoming 12.31.20 deadline – and how we can help.

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Why Now?

PSD2 SCA will change the payments industry in the European Economic Area (EEA) for a long time to come. It’s important to understand not only what is happening, but more importantly, why you should update to EMV 3-D Secure as soon as possible.

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The 2nd Payment Services Directive (PSD2) was established by the European Banking Authority (EBA) to drive payment innovation and data security by reducing competitive barriers, mandating new security processes and encouraging standardized technology.

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PSD2 Action Plan for Online Merchants

Your free step-by-step guide to understanding PSD2, how it will affect your business, and the required steps you need to take to ensure your online business is SCA ready.

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Key dates for EMV® 3-D Secure – Here’s the what and the when

The time to act is now, for everyone’s sake. Merchants, issuers and shoppers. Prepare your online business by implementing a PSD2 SCA solution.

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Is your shopping cart ready for PSD2 SCA?

Authentication is core to payment processing in Europe, so if your digital transactions are not authenticated, you will be expected to implement a solution before your business is impacted.

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What’s new and now: UK extends deadline for SCA compliance

According to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the deadline for enforcing PSD2 SCA requirements in the UK will now be extended six months from September 14, 2021 to March 14, 2022.

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Payments glossary

eCommerce concepts defined: an A‑Z reference guide for industry terms.

Industry benchmarks

Learn how 3‑D Secure can lead to higher authorization rates and help remove fraud. Download these free industry benchmark studies to see how 3‑D Secure impacts different verticals.


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